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The census provides a wealth of information about communities across the U.S., but where do you start? This workshop covers freely available tools from, which fully replaced American Fact Finder just prior to the 2020 Census. Find information about your community needs, prepare demographic information for grants and reporting, and compare local population areas. Learn how to find the information you need quickly and efficiently using these tools:
Census Business Builder (CBB)- Not just for businesses! The CBB is a suite of services that provide selected demographic and economic data from the Census Bureau tailored to specific types of users in a simple to access and use format. This tool feature interactive maps to browse and download data about your selected area and customizable dashboards for geographic comparisons.
Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) – This tool allows you to access vital information about where people are living and working within your community. Find detailed information about employment statistics, earnings, job flows, and local economies.
Quick Facts - QuickFacts is an easy-to-use application that provides tables, maps, and charts of frequently requested statistics from censuses, surveys, and programs. Find profiles on states, counties, and cities across the U.S.
Expert Speaker
Lacey Loftin is a Statistician with the United States Census Bureau. In the 18 years that she has been with the agency, she has served as an Analyst for the Economic Census, worked as a Survey Supervisor for current surveys, acted as a Congressional Liaison during the 2010 Census, and supported the launch of the Statistics in Schools program. Lacey now leads the Census Bureau's national webinar series, and is focused on outreach to organizations and governments through out Texas.