Grant Application - Professional Development - NNLM Member

I plan to attend the Western Institute of Nursing (WIN) Conference in Tucson, Arizona in April 2023. The 2023 conference theme is Leveraging Technology to Advance Nursing and Equity in Research, Practice, and Education, and I’ll present as part of a multidisciplinary symposium called Creating Infrastructure to Support Clinical Scholarship Across Multiple Hospitals. I will describe our library’s work developing standalone instructional programming for working nurses and our collaboration with nurse leaders to build flexible, modern, and accessible hospital library services. A working group of professional librarians developed two virtual courses: Library 101 and PubMed 101. Each class lasted 90 minutes, was held virtually on Microsoft Teams each quarter beginning in July 2022, and was led by a trained librarian. Course content was adapted from resources offered by the National Library of Medicine. Participants complete a post-test and evaluation, and responses are assessed descriptively. 


Project Lead: Carrie Grinstead


Roles of Participants Project is Intended to Serve: Library or Information Professional

Award Details

Funding Source: Region 5
Project Category: Professional Development
Project Status: Awarded

Project Funding