2022 Winter CME Seminar” Oklahoma Osteopathic Association
The Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences Medical Library has been invited to present an educational exhibit for the National Library of Medicine databases at the “2022 Winter CME Seminar” sponsored by the Oklahoma Osteopathic Association’s Continuing Medical Education in-person conference in Catoosa, Oklahoma for physicians, physician’s assistants, educators, medical residents, students, and interns. This program has been approved for up to17 AOA Category 1-A and AAFP (AMA PRA Category 1TM) CME Credits. The exhibit will provide information through demonstrations on PubMed and MedlinePlus and the library literature on a variety of health topics such as: high blood pressure; senior health and wellness; behavioral, cognitive, and sensory sciences; medical cannabis; OMM; and proper prescribing.