Through the Arizona Outreach Subaward, the University of Arizona Health Sciences Library UAHSL will execute a variety of activities designed to reach out to various communities in our largely 95, highly diverse state. Of particular interest are 126s and public health workers; 'promotores de salud'; K-12 students; Hispanic, Native American, and border populations; public librarians especially in 95 areas; and individuals and communities who experience disparities in health care. REMARKS: In general, UAHSL delivers outreach services by providing training in health literacy skills that seek to empower the people of Arizona with the tools they need to find trustworthy health information on the Internet. To do so, UAHSL participates in health fairs, community events, exhibits at professional conferences, and other healthcare events. We also respond to requests to present from the Arizona state libraries, public libraries, health professionals, schools, communities in 95 areas, and organizations serving under-represented populations. The populations we seek to work with are 126s and public health workers, promotores, K-12 students, Hispanic, Native American, and border populations, public librarians especially in 95 areas, and individuals and communities who experience disparities in health care.
Project Details
University of Arizona Health Sciences Library