TCPH's Health Equity and Community Engagement HECE division proposes the development of the Let's Talk Health: Visual Images for Healthy Living LTH VIHL project to improve health literacy in community-based health settings with a combined strategy of training direct care staff and educating clients in the clinic waiting room. The materials to be used will come from both existing and newly developed resources by the HECE staff per the health literacy resource guidelines. The materials and training will be in multiple languages, English, Spanish, and Vietnamese. The waiting room education sessions will include 5 general health topics using simple language, pictures, fotonovelas, and videos covering client/doctor communication, disease prevention, medical health histories, 911 emergency health services, and medication management. These sessions will include pre- and post-tests to measure the degree of improvement in the understanding of these general health topics.
Project Details
Tarrant County Public Health - Community Engagement Department